Gsm, which stands for global system for mobile communication, is traditionally a type of cell phone technology used primarily in europe, but also in the united states and other countries. While not every phone has this capability, most of the new ones hitting the market do. The gsmant3db weatherproof remote antenna optimizes transmissions with field diversity technology. Microstrip patch antenna design santa clara university. In the research journals, we see reports of active research. The gsmant indoor fixed length antenna is designed for indoor use. This antenna is also supplied with a mounting bracket that can be securely fastened to a window. It worked well but i noticed that the signal was significantly lower than the one with the external antenna. In radio engineering, an antenna is the interface between radio waves propagating through space and electric currents moving in metal conductors, used with a transmitter or receiver. Following pictures are examples of different types of antennas.
Fang microstrip antenna design handbook garg et al title says it all, but a few inaccuracies have been found antenna theory constantine balanis used for antennas i elen 715. The authors in 11, present a 10element with 8 directors conventional yagiuda antenna for wlan applications. Others include physical structure and electricalelectromagnetic design. Basic antenna theory and application a major qualifying project report. Ictpituursi school on wireless networking for development the abdus salam international centre for theoretical physics. Pdf design of a dual band frequency patch antenna for gsm. A gsm antenna is meant to strengthen signals for certain types of cell phones and other wireless data receivers. The honeywell gsmeaa external antenna accessory referred to as the antenna accessory enables the gsmx and gsmvlp products to use an external antenna. However, fractal antennas and its superset fractal electrodynamics werner and mittra, 1999 is a hotbed of research activity. If you have an rc model plane, boat, helicopter, car or drone and want to know how antennas work then this video will hopefully explain some. An antenna is a device that provides a transition between electric currents on a conductor and electromagnetic waves in space. Site and antenna sharing for installed assets protection installed antennas covering the 1800 mhz band, feeders and other site assets can be. Nokia siemens networks lte 1800 mhz introducing lte with. Ictpituursi school on wireless networking for development the abdus salam international centre for theoretical physics ictp, trieste italy, 5 to 24 february 2007.
Pdf design of a dual band frequency patch antenna for. Gsm systems are now the standard for mobile phones. These use more powerful digital communication techniques. Based on the folded invertedl antenna associated with a ground stub, the proposed structure can operate in. L the signal from directional antennas travel farther by concentrating or reflecting it in one direction l directional antennas provide isolation from interference by limiting receiving signals to a concentrated area l the higher the signal is above the surrounding terrain, the farther the signal will travel radio theory the basics. I recently worked on a project that required a gsm module. Actual antennas radiate real world signals data from the internet over wifi, speech signals, etc etc etc. The versatile, weatherproof design is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. The difference between a mediocre antenna system and a great antenna system isnt the antenna itself. Antennas antennas couple propagating electromagnetic waves to and from circuits and devices, typically using wires treated in section 3. A photograph of a typical corner reflector is shown in figure. Tutorialspoint pdf collections 619 tutorial files by. The following essay will give an insight into antenna theory in general, as well as the most important types of antennas and the special methods used for gsmpcn systems.
Design and construction of a 4g mobile network antenna ddduab. Gsm is an open and digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services operates at the 850mhz. This antenna has moderately high gain, but its most important pattern feature is that the. A transmitting antenna transforms electric currents into radio waves and a receiving antenna transforms an electromagnetic field back into electric current.
It comes with 10 feet of rg174 cable and mounting hardware for ease of installation. Antenna gain is expressed as a ra tio of the effective radiated output power pout to the input power pin the gain of an antenna is a measure of power transmitted relative. Designing a gsm pcb antenna electrical engineering stack. Coax cable k14207lf is required for any external antenna. This section shortly describes some dipole theory and basic design rules. Fractal antennas for wireless communication systems. Antenna theory 1 introduction transmission line current distributions antenna antennas are device that designed to radiate electromagnetic energy efficiently in a prescribed manner. An introduction to amateur satellite ground station antennas. Analysis and design, fourth edition is designed to meet the needs of senior undergraduate and beginning graduate level students in electrical engineering and physics, as well as practicing engineers and antenna designers. In this chapter, we briefly highlight the relevant theory of dipole antennas and the gsm network. Antenna theory 101 from our discussion last time, you should have been able to take away simple but conservative operating rules to improve your chances of being heard on the air and enjoy long service life from your antenna and transmitting equipment. Most antennas are resonant devices, which operate efficiently over a relatively narrow frequency band. Antenna theory 8 antenna can also be termed as an aerial. Electromagnetic waves are often referred to as radio waves.
An antenna connected to a transmitter is the device that releases rf energy in the form of an electromagnetic field to be sent to a distant receiver. It is widely used mobile communication system in the world. However, since every piece of information in the universe can be decomposed into sine and cosine components of varying frequencies, we always. The antennas commonly used for lmrboth at base stations and mobile unitsrepresent only a very small portion of all the antenna types. Figure 7 geometry of a gsmdcs dualfrequency planar monopole 10. An understanding of basic radio antenna theory will help the maximum be gained from any aerial system.
By the mid2010s, it became a global standard for mobile communications. Submitted to the faculty of the worcester polytechnic institute. Provide an overview of some of the recent advances and trends in. The following essay will give an insight into antenna theory in general, as well as the most important types of antennas and the special methods used for gsm. Provide a physical understanding of the basic physical properties of microstrip antennas.
After testing it on a pcb using an external antenna that apparently seamed fairly simple, i made a new pcb with a built in antenna. An antenna must be tuned matched to the same frequency band as the radio. Design and construction of a 4g mobile network antenna. Anisotropic antenna is a fictitious antenna that radiate the power equally in all directions a directional antenna is a source of electromagnetic wave which transmits or receives more power in some directions than others an omnidirectional antenna is an directional antenna that can provide uniform radiation in a reference plane may 25 7. It is the current distributions on the antennas that produce the radiation. Pdf on jan 1, 2009, a a kishk and others published fundamentals of antennas find, read. Antenna fundamentals an antenna is a device for converting electromagnetic radiation in space into electrical currents in conductors or viceversa, depending on whether it is being used for receiving or for. The ability of an antenna to focus electromagnetic energy is defined by its gain.
Nokia siemens networks lte 1800 mhz introducing lte with maximum reuse of gsm assets white paper. An antenna is a metallic structure that sends or receives electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves. The idea of gsm was developed at bell laboratories in 1970. Nowadays, antennas have undergone many changes, in accordance with their size and shape. The antenna is very important if long range is important a quarter wave antenna is an easy and good solution, but it is not small 433 mhz. Hence, for all of antenna theory, we will frequency be discussing wavelength of frequency. This would increase the maximum coverage distance away from the router, allowing. In depth antenna theory can become quite complicated, but a qualitative and simplified theoretical explanation help help in understanding what is actually happening, how the radio antennas work, and how they can be optimised.
Designing a gsm dipole antenna linkoping university. In this letter, a novel mobile phone antenna for 2g, 3g and 4g standards is presented. These are preliminary notes, intended only for distribution among the participants. In transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current to the antennas terminals, and the antenna radiates the energy from the current as electromagnetic waves radio waves. Antenna basic concepts antenna an antenna is a device to transmit andor receive electromagnetic waves. This time on hak5 we continue our sdr series with some antenna theory including propagation, polarization, radiation. Halfwave dipole antenna for gsm applications citeseerx. An overview of transmission theory and techniques of largescale antenna systems for 5g wireless communications dongming wang, yu zhang, hao wei, xiaohu you, fellow, ieee, xiqi gao, fellow, ieee, and jiangzhou wang, senior member, ieee abstract. There are many types of antennas depending upon their wide variety of applications. Introduction in the study of antennas, fractal antenna theory is a relatively new area. Monopole slot antenna is suitable for handset applications due to its simple planar structure.
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